Like many of us, snails are lured towards a good beer. Strongly led by their sense of smell, snails will crawl over literally anything to get close to a beer.

It’s not actually the alcohol but the smell of malt and yeast present in the beer that is what attracts the varmints. The alcohol just befuddles them and makes it harder for them climb out of the trap containing the beer. So what better way to make the most of our expired Purveyors craft beer, then to use it in our organic garden to protect the produce that you so much enjoy.
An equally potent attractant can be concocted from 2 tablespoons of flour, 1/2 teaspoon of brewer’s yeast and 1 teaspoon of sugar mixed with 2 cups of warm water. So whether you choose to use beer or this homemade mixture, your garden’s sure to be clear of slugs and snails in no time.
Next time you see beer bottles sticking out from the soil in the Brasserie garden, you know why.