Blog | November 21, 2017


Did you know that carob pod husks are chewed by singers to clear the voice and throat?

Made from dried, roasted carob tree pods, carob powder is a sweet and healthy substitute for chocolate.

The carob tree, or Ceratonia siliqua, has fruit that looks like a dark brown pea pod, which carries pulp and seeds. Carob can boost the immune system, reduce the risk of cancer, improve digestion, slow down aging, prevent cardiovascular diseases, and help prevent and manage diabetes.

Carob tannins contain Gallic acid that works as an analgesic, anti-allergic, antibacterial, antioxidant, antiviral and antiseptic. The tannins found in carobs can increase the effectiveness of certain substances (enzymes) that help to regulate the digestion process.  Additionally, carob provides powerful anti-viral benefits that supply the body with essential antioxidants. Foods rich in tannins are often recommended for treatment of diarrhea as it reduces acid production and combats related ailments.

Experts say carobs contain fibre that naturally helps to regulate blood sugar levels (useful for people who suffer from diabetes). As an insoluble fibre product (which contains pinitol, a type of inositol), carob helps water bind in the digestive tract, which enhances the health of the intestinal tract and regulates blood glucose.

Due to the high percentage of insoluble fibre contained in carobs, research shows carobs have the potential to lower cholesterol levels. Carobs have naturally high levels of lignin and polyphenols, which are powerful antioxidants.

In a clinical trial conducted in the US, consumption of a carob pulp preparation decreased postprandial responses of acylated ghrelin, triglycerides, suggesting a change toward increased fatty acid oxidation. In other words, carob fibre might exert beneficial effects in energy intake, and thus, reduce body weight.

Carob is high in phosphorus and calcium, which means it may help in the fight against osteoporosis ailment. It has also been recommended for children who have had polio ailment, due to the high levels of calcium and gallic acid.

As carobs are rich in vitamin E, and full of antioxidants and phytonutrients, they have, on occasion, been suggested in aid of the treatment of anemia, coughs, osteoclasis, colds and influenza.

Enjoy our $5 Juiced @ The Wicket ‘Carob Delight’ this week, guilt-free, knowing that this fibre-rich ingredient, high in antioxidants and low in sodium and fat, is a superfood that all chocoholics will love.