Blog | August 13, 2018

Honeydew melon

Honeydew melon is one of the fruits that come to mind when looking for a sweet and refreshing treat on a hot summer day.

This fruit, with its smooth yellow rind and pale green flesh, boasts high nutritional content. From vitamin B to zinc, every bite of this fruit is packed with various vitamins and minerals.

Honeydew is made up of 90 percent water, which is why it can quench your thirst and keep the body hydrated on a hot summer day. Plus, it contains a good amount of potassium, which helps maintain the water level in your body by countering your sodium intake.

A great source of vitamin C, this melon plays an important role in the production of collagen in your body. Collagen can repair and nourish not just your skin but also your hair and nails. The vitamin C in honeydew also helps boost your immune system to fight off bacteria and illnesses.

Honeydew is beneficial for people who are suffering from hypertension, as it has a high potassium content that can help prevent blood elevation.

Your eyes will thank you for including honeydew in your diet because it contains lutein and zeaxanthin — these are important phytonutrients that help maintain eye health and reduce eye disorders.

Honeydew is rich in calcium, helping your body maintain and improve bone health. It also keeps your teeth healthy and strong.

A low calorie content, means that honeydew is a perfect fruit snack for people who are trying to lose weight. It’s also rich in fibre that can aid in food digestion.

Did you know that the ancient Egyptians regarded the honeydew as sacred and it was only reserved for society’s elite? So next time you devour the succulent, sweet, green flesh of the honeydew, remember to savour every bite.

On a side note, the sweetness and flavour of the honeydew goes well with cottage cheese, sweet cream, mint or lime. The flavours of summer!