Tag Archive: juiced@thewicket

The perfect blueberry should be “dusty” in colour, but don’t wash that “dust” off until you’re ready to dig in. Rinsing softens blueberries, quickly spoiling […]

Fondly known as “supercado” or “alligator pear” the avocado is loaded with nutritional perks and is beloved among guacamole aficionados. Avocados are one of the most […]

Goji berries
So what’s the big deal about these dried, scrunched up little red berries? Used in traditional Chinese medicine for more than 2,000 years, wolf berries […]

August in Cricket Square
The Wicket and The Market are open in Cricket Square SWIRL: 5-7pm, Friday 18 August Beer is the most widely consumed alcoholic beverage in the world […]

A steaming bowl of freshly cooked oats or our tasty Overnight Oats (picture above) from The Market or Wicket Bar are the perfect breakfast choices […]