Tag Archive: brasserie cayman

Strawberries have a lot of love to give. Firstly, they are heart-shaped, and secondly, sweet, juicy and make you feel good on the inside and […]

September in Cricket Square
As the summer season draws to an end, Cricket Square comes back to life with new purpose. Check out what’s on offer. The Brasserie is […]

Did you know there are actually 35 different types of basil? Basil contains antioxidant-rich volatile essential oils, which are considered hydrophobic. This means they don’t […]

Honeydew melon
Honeydew melon is one of the fruits that come to mind when looking for a sweet and refreshing treat on a hot summer day. This […]

August in Cricket Square
The Market, Caboose, Juiced @ The Wicket and Happy Hour at the Wicket Bar on Fridays are open this month. Market, Caboose & Wicket Bar […]